Mom Writes First
Mom Writes First inspires busy moms to make their writing dreams a reality.
Write the book, book, poem, blog, or journal! Whatever you're writing, this podcast is here to help you reach your writing goals.
Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and supported on your writing journey.
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Mom Writes First
32. Carve Out Time for Your Writing Goals In October - 3 Reason to Write Right Now and 3 Steps for Making it Happen!
October Motivation—Why October is the Perfect Time to Carve out Time for Your Writing Goals. Don't Wait for January. Work on Your Writing Dreams Today.
Join Jen on this episode of 'Mom Writes First' as she motivates busy moms to prioritize their writing goals now, instead of waiting for January. She introduces the 10-minute writing challenge, shares personal insights on balancing writing with a busy life, and emphasizes the importance of setting writing goals in October. Jen offers practical steps and encouragement for moms to start their writing journey today.
Introduction and Motivation
The 10-Minute Writing Challenge
Balancing Writing with a Busy Life
The Importance of Writing Now
Seasonal Reflections and Upcoming Goals
Don't Wait Until January
Finding Time to Write
The Pitfalls of Waiting
Starting Today for Future Success
Why October is Perfect for Writing
Steps to Build a Writing Habit
Join the Writing Challenge
Final Encouragement and Action Steps
Take the QUIZ to discover your writing style, and get tips on how to leverage it to write more!
Ready to take back your time and add hours to the day so you can finally manage it all? Then you have to check out the FREE Time Audit Guide. You'll get coaching, worksheets, and tips on running your first time audit so that you can finally write your book without burning out. It's absolutely free, and it's my way of supporting and empowering YOU!
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Website www.momfirstcoaching.com
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Copyright 2024, Mom First Coaching
October Motivation--Why October is the Perfect Time to Carve out Time for Your Writing Goals. Don't wait for January. Work on your writing dreams today.
[00:00:00] Introduction and Motivation
[00:00:02] If you aren't writing every day. Then this episode is here to change that. It's October 20, 24, and we are done playing around. Let's make our writing a priority. In this episode. I'll teach you how.
[00:00:22] You are listening to mom writes first where we're all about inspiring busy moms to make their writing dreams a reality. Let's go.
[00:00:35] Hey writer. Welcome to mom rights first. I'm your host, Jen. I am so glad that you're here today. Today's episode is for you. If you are putting off your writing. If you aren't writing every day. Then I'm here today to give you that little push to get you going.
[00:00:57] And now is the perfect time to [00:01:00] start writing. Every single day.
[00:01:04] Now look, I know you're busy. I know I'm busy. And I still know that we want to reach our writing goals.
[00:01:12] If we want to make writing a priority in our life, then the only way to do that is to actually write.
[00:01:20] And that's what I'm trying to do.
[00:01:22] The 10-Minute Writing Challenge
[00:01:22] For the rest of the year, my goal is to write. 10 minutes. At least every single day, if I can write more than that. Great. But that's my minimum. 10 minutes a day. Every single day. Now you might be thinking 10 minutes. Uh, that is nothing. I'll never get anywhere with that. I hear that voice inside my head too. Criticizing the idea that 10 minutes a day is worth anything.
[00:01:52] But I also know that that little voice in my head. Is wrong. Dead wrong.
[00:01:58] 10 minutes a day is not [00:02:00] nothing. It's 10 minutes of me showing up every day for my writing. For what I say matters to me. It's 10 minutes a day where I am living in integrity with myself, by showing up and doing the thing that I say I love to doThe thing that I say, I am passionate about my hobby, my creativity. 10 minutes a day matters.
[00:02:25] Balancing Writing with a Busy Life
[00:02:25] I know just how hard it is to make time and space to write. I'm a mom of five, our kids range in age from 16 to three. We are running around doing all the things all the time. Just like you are.
[00:02:41] We have two dogs who need to be walked and taken to the dog park and taken to the groomer. I'm a lawyer, a consultant and a certified professional life coach. I'm all those things and I'm busy doing all those things. Just like you are. But. We're also so [00:03:00] much more than that. We're also writers. I'm a writer.
[00:03:04] I write children's books and poetry and lovely little funny rom coms. I love to write. And I always have. I'm really great at writing. But I'm not always the best at finishing things.
[00:03:19] Maybe you can relate.
[00:03:21] I am also a podcaster. I've been podcasting since 2021.
[00:03:26] And I show up and I make this podcast for you. Because I want to encourage you to write. I think the world deserves to hear your stories. I want to help you write. And I make this podcast for me too. Because I want to encourage myself to write too.
[00:03:44] I know how busy life can get. I know how sometimes the things we love to do, the things that filler cups up so much. Get pushed to the back burner.
[00:03:54] I know how easy it is to say, oh, I'll just write later today. Or I'll write tomorrow [00:04:00] or I'll write next week or I'll write when I have a chance to get out on a retreat somewhere It is so tempting to think that there will be time later in the day. Or time tomorrow. Or time next week or next month to devote to our passions and hobbies. But before, you know, it. A week will go by. And then a month. And then a year. And maybe even a decade. And your dreams of writing will pass you by.
[00:04:32] The Importance of Writing Now
[00:04:32] My goal. With this podcast is to help you, write. Right now. Not later. Now. Not next week. Not when things settle down at work. Not in a month when the kids sports season ends. Not next year when all the kids are in school. Not in a few years when they've graduated and gone off to college or work. I want you to write. Now. [00:05:00] Your writing dreams.
[00:05:01] Shouldn't wait.
[00:05:04] They can't wait. And not just because your dreams deserve to come alive right now, not just because the stories that are inside of you deserve to come out into the world right now.
[00:05:15] You deserve to write right now, you deserve to have that feeling right now. None of us are promised tomorrow. We don't know what the future holds. If you want to write, then now is the time. And on top of that, your kids deserve to see you fulfilled and happy and pursuing your dreams and passions.
[00:05:38] Even if it is as simple as taking 10 minutes each day. To write a little poetry.
[00:05:46] They deserve to see that you can grow up in this world. Be successful, have a family. Be an amazing mom. And still. Be a human. With dreams and [00:06:00] passions and hobbies of your own. And be somebody who actually makes time and space for those dreams and hobbies. They deserve to see how that is done. If you can show them that. That is an incredible example to set.
[00:06:15] That is an incredible gift to give them. They deserve it. You deserve it.
[00:06:23] I will never stop banging this drum because I see so many women, I talk to so many women and I work and coach so many women. On this issue who for years, for decades sometimes have pushed aside. Everything that they love to do. All their hobbies are their dreams, all their passions in order to take care of others in order to take care of the work that pays the bills in order to run the kids to a million soccer games or hockey tournaments in order to clean the house.
[00:06:56] Now, I am not saying that those things don't [00:07:00] matter. They absolutely do. I'm not saying they're not important. They absolutely are.
[00:07:07] What I am saying is that your passion? Your hobbies. Your dreams, they deserve to take up some space to, even if it's just 10 minutes a day. And that's why I'm here to remind you of that. To encourage you to take up time and space to write. And today I want you to take that time and space right now.
[00:07:29] Seasonal Reflections and Upcoming Goals
[00:07:29] It's the end of October. In 2024. The year is almost done. We're in the last quarter. The days are getting shorter school routines are back and we're in full swing. The excitement of all of the summer activities has faded in the upper Midwest of the us where I live. We're about to fall back for daylight savings time. Halloween is next week.
[00:07:52] We have our costumes all sat. We have been making loads of apple crisp, because we are going to the apple orchard all the [00:08:00] time and harvesting all the apples from all the trees I have tried by the way, some really great apple crisp recipes over the last couple of weeks. And this week, I am trying out a cranberry, apple crisp.
[00:08:14] So I don't know if you know this, but where I live in Wisconsin, we are actually. The lead producer of cranberries in the United States. 60% of the cranberries harvested in the us actually are grown in Wisconsin. Yeah. I had no idea either. Anyway, if you want to try out my cranberry, apple crisp, then you need to make sure that you are on my newsletter. I am sending the recipe out in the next one in the next newsletter. And you can sign up for the newsletter at my website, mom, first coaching.com or you can send me a DM on Instagram at mom writes for a smell gets you added.
[00:08:53] Now, back to the topic at hand, not only are we doing all the fall things right now, but I know my family is also [00:09:00] looking head to Thanksgiving and the holidays. And before long, all that is going to come and go. And 2024 is going to be gone. And 2025 is going to be here. And with the new year. Probably some new goals and resolutions.
[00:09:17] Am I right?
[00:09:18] Well, what if instead of waiting to start working on those new goals and resolutions. We started right now in stead. Hear me out. October. Is actually an ideal time to start working on your writing goals. You don't need to wait to January.
[00:09:38] Don't Wait Until January
[00:09:38] You shouldn't wait until January. Let's write right now. Now look, I get it.
[00:09:44] You might be thinking. That everything that's on the books between now and January. There's no way I could write.
[00:09:49] Finding Time to Write
[00:09:49] Well, you could definitely spend 10 minutes a day writing, right? You could find 10 minutes. If you can't find 10 minutes, then you should probably do a time audit, which if you want to learn about time [00:10:00] audits and check out the episode on that.
[00:10:01] And if you want a free resource on time audits, then head over to my website because I have a free 50 page guide on time audits there for you. So you could be telling yourself, maybe I should just wait because everything that's going to be happening in between now, Halloween, maybe Thanksgiving, if you're in the us. Maybe some holidays.
[00:10:21] There's no time. I will get serious at the new year. I'll be motivated then I'll feel disciplined. I'll have all this momentum because it's the new year.
[00:10:30] The Pitfalls of Waiting
[00:10:30] But the truth is the truth actually, is that. That kind of waiting mindset. Really works against you. It doesn't create momentum. It doesn't even allow you to take advantage of momentum.
[00:10:43] When that magic day, January one comes around.
[00:10:47] Instead that waiting mindset stalls you, it makes you put off your dreams and by the time January comes, you are going to feel. Just as overwhelmed, if not more overwhelmed. Making it even [00:11:00] harder to start. And because you haven't gotten in the habit of writing instead, you've gotten in the habit of waiting.
[00:11:08] You're even more likely to push it off again, even if you start out strong on January 1st, we know that most of us give up on our new year's resolutions by the 14th of January. Anyway.
[00:11:19] Starting Today for Future Success
[00:11:19] What, if we try something new.
[00:11:21] What if instead. We all start together today. What if we start prioritizing our writing today, start building that writing habit today. So that then when January comes around, Then our momentum is established and we can really kick it into overdrive.
[00:11:42] You don't have to be perfect to start. You don't have to wait till Monday. You just start, you jump in. And what if today? You decide I'm going to spend. Just like Jen. I'm going to spend 10 minutes a day on my writing completely and utterly devoted [00:12:00] to my writing. Let's not wait for some magical day on the calendar.
[00:12:04] Let's start today right now with what we have, where we are. Let's come as we are. This is a podcast where wherever you are in your writing journey, you are welcome and wanted here. So come as you are and start writing right now, do one small thing today to move your writing forward. Imagine what that could mean. Imagine if you did one small thing. Every day for your writing. Between now and January 1st, imagine how far you would be when you came to January one. Even if it is just as small as writing for 10 minutes each day,
[00:12:42] you would developed that rhythm, that momentum, that habit, that confidence that comes with doing the work.
[00:12:50] Why October is Perfect for Writing
[00:12:50] October is actually the perfect time to start. October is a sweet spot for setting goals, because it's far enough from the chaos of the holidays that [00:13:00] you can establish a routine without distraction. But it's also an ideal time to build this a plan because there's cooler weather, darker evenings, and this natural shift towards staying in.
[00:13:11] So you can actually use that to your advantage, to create more time. And space in your day or writing. And that's why I want to encourage you to identify a writing goal. Maybe 10 minutes a day. And move it forward now and not wait until January.
[00:13:28] There are loads of reasons as to why now is the perfect time to do this. Number one. Low expectations and big results In January, we're bombarded with the new year new you pressure, but in October, There is none of that societal noise or garbage.
[00:13:48] There's nothing telling you now is the time to reinvent yourself. No in October, it's quiet. You have the freedom to focus on what you really want without all the [00:14:00] distractions and hoopla the new year. You can start small. And that's where the real magic happens.
[00:14:08] The second reason for why now is the perfect time to start is that you can build your momentum. Over perfection. So instead of trying to make it perfect, like you might, if you were doing like a new year's resolution, You can just instead focus on small steps and building momentum. If you start writing now, even just a little each day, you'll be ahead of the game. You're developing the habit of writing.
[00:14:32] And guess what? By the time January comes, you'll already be a writer. Rather than someone who's trying to figure out where to start. And the third reason for why you really need to start right now is because we want to build discipline. Not necessarily motivation, discipline, beats motivation.
[00:14:53] Every time. Discipline is your best friend in October. Unlike motivation, which comes and goes, [00:15:00] discipline is about showing up. Even when you don't feel like it. And the best way to build discipline is to start now, even if it's just for 10 minutes a day. When you do that, when you show up for 10 minutes a day, you tell yourself my writing is important and I will make space for it.
[00:15:21] And when you do that, you build a habit and ultimately an expectation inside yourself that you will, right.
[00:15:30] You also, by the way, teach other people that you will do that. And so you teach your kids that you're going to make time and space for what matters to you. That is a really big deal. It's a great example to set for them. You build that integrity with yourself and you set that example for others. So you teach yourself and you teach others. that your writing matters and that you will follow through and you will have your own back on this particular topic. Writing. So let's start writing.
[00:15:58] Steps to Build a Writing Habit
[00:15:58] Now, [00:16:00] here are some simple steps to get you started.
[00:16:03] First set, a small daily goal. Don't overwhelm yourself, thinking you have to write a whole chapter or hit a thousand words start small. That's why I say commit to 10 minutes a day. Those minutes are going to add up very quickly. And before, you know, it you'll have pages and pages of content. Step two, create a routine with the school year. Finally in full swing. You probably have more structured days, use that to your advantage. Pick a time of day when you can consistently, right. Maybe it's before the kids wake up, maybe it's during nap time or right after bedtime, find a slot, find that 10 minutes and protect it. Carve it out and make it yours. Step three, celebrate progress, not perfection. It's easy to get caught up in wanting your writing to be perfect in wanting your daily [00:17:00] habit to be perfect.
[00:17:01] But remember, we're not aiming for perfection here. We're celebrating progress. It just needs to happen that 10 minutes a day. That just needs to happen. Even if the writing that comes out of it sucks, you just need to make it happen. Focus on progress, celebrate every little bit that you do celebrate every minute that you write every sentence, every paragraph, every page, the goal right now is to build the habit. Not write that bestseller. Okay.
[00:17:33] Step four. Create accountability for yourself. You can do this in a lot of ways. Tell someone about your daily writing goal. Whether it's your spouse. A friend, even me. Having someone check in on your progress can help you to stay on track.
[00:17:52] This is about creating gentle accountability for yourself. That's going to support your [00:18:00] goals for me, even though I am mostly staying away from social media. I'm going to share one piece of writing every day on my Instagram account, mom writes first from now until the end of the year. I would love it.
[00:18:12] If you joined me in doing this. Take me and mom writes first, so I can support you. And you're writing to.
[00:18:19] Okay.
[00:18:20] Join the Writing Challenge
[00:18:20] If like me, you're ready to dive in and actually make your writing a priority for the rest of the year and beyond. Then I hope you will join me in this writing challenge. Let's start writing every day. Just 10 minutes a day. Every day from now on until the end of the year. Let's write. Imagine how good it's going to feel to be already working on your book when the new years rolls around.
[00:18:46] all because you decided not to wait. You decided to start now. In October. Building that writing habit, building that discipline. You balance so much every day, your job, [00:19:00] your family, your kids' activities. Carving out a slice of time for you to write is not impossible. In fact. It's probably the key to making your writing dreams come true.
[00:19:11] Final Encouragement and Action Steps
[00:19:11] So remember, here's your action step. You just listened to this episode. Now take 10 minutes and write it. Doesn't matter what it is. Write a sentence, paragraph, a haiku, a journal entry, whatever. The point is to start do it now.
[00:19:26] Thank you for listening to mom writes first I'm Jen and I believe in you so much.
[00:19:33] Let's not wait for January to make our writing dreams happen. Let's start today.
[00:19:39] Start in October. You got this.
[00:19:42] Okay writer, thank you so much for listening to this episode. And in case no one has reminded you today. You are a resourceful, a creative, whole human being. You are capable. You are loved. And your ideas, your words and your stories matter. [00:20:00] Now let's write.
[00:20:02] Hey, it's Jen here. If you're a mom with a to do list, that's a mile long. If you find yourself saying there aren't enough hours in the day, if you feel like you have to give up on your writing goals because you don't have enough time, then I want you to check out my 21 day time audit guide. It's a special gift free, absolutely free for you.
[00:20:31] And I created it. Just for you, because I know what you could do if you could add more time to your day. You would get more done, you would make time for your goals, and you would do it without burning yourself out. This free 21 day time audit guide is available for you now on my website, momfirstcoaching.
[00:20:51] com under free resources. It's momfirstcoaching. com forward slash free. Go there, pick it up straight [00:21:00] away. This is not some five page e book written by ChatGPT. This is seriously helpful, useful stuff, and very substantive and very practical. It's 50 pages long. And filled with coaching guidance and worksheets to help you to actually add more time to your week.
[00:21:22] My clients who have completed time audits with me have gotten 5, 10, sometimes even 20 hours back in their week. Imagine what you could do with that kind of time. And now I'm giving you this resource absolutely free. It's my special free gift for you because I want to see you show up for your dreams without burning yourself out.
[00:21:49] If you want this free 50 page, 21 day time audit guide, you can get your copy at momfirstcoaching. com slash free. [00:22:00]